About the vacancy:
- Division : CEO Office
- Work graphic : Standard
- Employment type : Permanent
- Workplace : Ravy Tower
- Deadline to apply : 12.07.2021
Your main job responsibilities:
- To provide administrative assistance to Chief Executive Officer
- To ensure document management and archiving
- To support in preparation of presentations and periodical reports
- To manage calendar of Chief Executive Officer, organize meetings and schedule appointments effectively
- To maintain and redirect relevant meeting minutes
- To collate relevant expenses
- To provide translation of documents if necessary
- To cooperate with other departments on relevant issues
- To act as first point of contact
- To fulfill other tasks assigned by Chief Executive Officer
- To make oral and written translation for Chief Executive Officer
Your education and work experience
- University degree
- 2-3 years of work experience in relevant sphere
- Experience in corporate environment
Your skills and competencies:
- Teamwork and collaboration
- Drive for results
- Presentation skills
- Continuous improvement
- Negotiation skills
- Communication skills
- Detailed oriented
- Responsibile and punctual
- Time management
- Rational thinking
- Flexible and adaptable
- Tact and diplomacy
- Ability to work in non-working hours (if required)
- Fluent Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages
- Ability to prepare MS PowerPoint presentations
- Good knowledge of MS Word and Excel Programs
How to apply?
Please send your CV to hr@azertelecom.az e-mail address.
Applications without ‘’Assistant to Chief Executive Officer‘’e-mail subject will not be considered.
Applications will be reviewed against position requirements and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
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