C# Back-End Developer
vakansiya — 2024

Şirkətlər üçün:

Elan sifarişi:
Reklam sifarişi:


  • Development, management, and continuous technical support of analytical web projects
  • To be able to learn, use and properly apply modern programming tools such as versioning, task management, containerization, docker
  • Development of Backend and API services optimized for large data traffics and transfer to front end
  • Active participation and technical support throughout the entire process of project development and delivery
  • Timely delivery of all tasks assigned by a project manager, a business owner as well as a senior developer
  • Working in a team environment for timely and successful delivery of a project
  • Clear and detailed documentation of the work done

Skills Required:

  • ASP.NET (1+ year is a must, 2+ years of experience is desirable)
  • LINQ
  • Experience working with DBs (preferably both SQL and NoSQL: target stack – MSSQL + MongoDB)
  • OOP
  • git

Salary: 1500 – 3000

Job Type: part-time & full time

Phone Number: +994 12 595 04 82

Please include the job title in the email subject line.

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