Qısa məzmun
PASHA Travel şirkəti GSA Specialist vəzifəsi üzrə vakansiya elan edir.
A General Sales Agent (GSA) is a sales representative for an airline in a specific country or region. A GSA Specialist will typically sell products from multiple airlines. Airlines normally use a GSA in areas where they don’t have a representative office, allowing them to have a sales presence in a country.
The GSA Specialist’s responsibility will be to coordinate all GSA-related activities and to be engaged in all aspects of the GSA work process – from contract signing through the sales process. GSA specialists should be an integral element of the GSA team, with the goal of acquiring new airlines and retaining existing ones by showing high-level quality performance. The GSA Specialist will report directly to the GSA Manager.
Minimum Qualifications:
- Experience with in airline at least two years is preferred
- English, Azerbaijani, and Russian fluency
- Knowledge of the ticket booking systems preferred
- Excellent organizational and project management skills
- Goal oriented
- Should keep deadlines in mind
- Should be conscientious, professional, and presentable
- Can work under pressure on high-stress tasks during peak season
Being key contact for airlines to assist them and help to address their inquiries.
- Coordinate the process between the airlines and the ticketing team. Assist the ticketing crew with any technical questions, obtaining a solution from the airline and vice versa.
- Assist in the preparation of proposals and the submission of tenders.
- Support the GSA Manager with all ongoing processes in generating greater outcomes for the company, and be a great team player.
- Work with internal & external stakeholders to coordinate the processes and streamline communication
Candidates are requested to send their CVs until May 28, 2022.
Please indicate the name of the position (GSA Specialist) you are applying for in the subject line of the email.
Please be advised that only shortlisted candidates will be invited to the further stages of the recruitment process.
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