Legal Advisor/Lawyer
- Development and participation in the development of legal documents;
- Monitoring and conducting contractual work regarding corporate law;
- Reorganization, building management structure;
- Conducting and documenting meetings of the Board of Directors and the Management Board;
- Representation of companies in courts;
- Claim work;
- Operational consultation of company specialists within the framework of arising current issues;
- Consultation of employees of the human resources department on labor law issues;
- Corporate work: creating a legal entity, individual entrepreneur, branch and making changes to the register;
- Assessment of the existing situation of the client
- Selection of the optimal solution to the client’s problem
- Advising company employees (providing written advice on labor law issues);
- Taking part in the conduct of court cases, representation in state bodies;
- Higher legal education;
- Compulsory experience in and knowledge of corporate law,
- Mandatory experience in reorganizing the company, spin-off of the AR, merging, spin-off of the Board of Directors, documenting meetings;
- Strong knowledge of civil law;
- Contractual work experience: settlement of pre-contractual disputes, development of contractual schemes for various projects, legal examination of draft contracts, preparation of conclusions on the legal relevance of such projects;
- Developed analytical thinking;
- At least 3 years’ experience in similar work;
- Knowledge of languages: Azerbaijani, Russian and English;
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