vakansiya — 2025

Şirkətlər üçün:

Elan sifarişi:
Reklam sifarişi:

Job Responsibilities:

  • Perform operations in various areas of the accounting account (maintenance of fixed assets, commodity values, production costs, product sales, results of economic and financial activities, accounts of customers-suppliers, as well as accounts for rendered services, etc.).
  • To participate in the development and implementation of measures aimed at the implementation of financial discipline and efficient use of resources. To carry out the reception and control of the previous documents according to the account areas and prepare them for processing.
  • To reflect the operations related to the movement of cash and material values of goods in the accounting account.
  • To carry out the allocation of payments to the state budget, social insurance deductions, financial resources directed to the wages of workers and servants, taxes, payments, as well as the transfer of funds to the consumer fund.
  • To participate in revealing intra-farm reserves, in the analysis of economic and financial activity of enterprises, departments and organizations based on the indicators of accounting and reporting, in the implementation of measures to improve the saving mode and document circulation, in the development and compilation of progressive forms and methods of accounting based on the use of calculation techniques, as well as in the calculation of cash, goods and material prices and the inventory of payment obligations.
  • Prepare information on the relevant areas of accounting to prepare a report, control the storage of accounting documents, formalize them for delivery to the archive in the prescribed manner.
  • Control the filling and movement of official documents such as various income and expenditure orders, strict reporting forms, etc. To ensure that serious reporting forms are issued with the signatures of the chief accountant and the person who must report on the report.
  • To request and receive operational report data from relevant departments and units.
  • To carry out interaction with the representatives of the management and structural units regarding the issues related to their authority.
  • To report directly to the manager about all the deficiencies discovered during the activity process and to make suggestions for their elimination.

Requirements for the Candidate:

  • Higher Education
  • Relevant work experience – minimum 3 year
  • Confident knowledge of Local and International Accounting Standards
  • Experience in 1S accounting software package
  • Fluency in  Azeri / English / Russian
  • Computer skills, specifically in the use of Excel
  • Excellent communication, organizational skills
  • Hard and dynamic worker

We kindly ask candidates possessing above requirements to send CVs and state the position.

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