CeDAR Research Fellowship Program is a competitive program for researchers whose work is dedicated to areas of CeDAR Research Center interest. The call for “CeDAR Research Fellowship Program” applications for 2022 is now open. Please, carefully review the following guidelines and conditions, selection criteria and research themes and keep them in mind while you prepare your application for fellowship award.
Brief intro to CeDAR:
The Center for Data Analytics Research was launched 15 December 2017 as a result of joint project between ADA University and BP on behalf of its co-venturers. and global energy companies.
The mission of the CeDAR Center is to provide science-based knowledge and experience to a wide variety of technical and non-technical users and industries to help them better understand the usage and maximize the value of their operational data. The Center is expected to increase the external visibility of opportunities derived from data mining and analytics and attract closer partnerships with industry, public and government institutions.
Application process:
1) a single-page letter of intent addressing interest in the program, your relevant qualifications and trainings, and relevant prior projects;
2) up-to-date detailed CV;
3) apply via the linn below by 04 February, 2022
Selection process:
- Application Phase;
- Review of initial applications (by CeDAR team);
- Invitation to submit an extended proposal (Research Statement) (roughly by mid of February);
- Review of extended proposal (by CeDAR team);
- Interview with the candidates (up to 10 selected applicants will be invited to participate in a 20-minute interview with the CeDAR team) (by end of February).
Fellowhip award:
- 2 shortlisted candidates will be awarded with CeDAR RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP grant at the end of selection process.
Benefits for fellows:
- Involvement in conferences, workshops and discussions on relevant topics;
- Mentorship from members of the CeDAR research team;
- Training on specific analytical methods and tools;
- Access to computational infrastructure of CeDAR;
- Access to Library Resources of ADA University;
- Monthly research scholarship from CeDAR/ADA University (amount will be shared in interview if shortlisted).
Selection criteria:
- Compatibility of research interests of Fellow and CeDAR;
- The feasibility of achieving the research goals by Fellow within available timeframe and available infrastructure;
- The quality of scientific record and achievements of the applicant and its relevance to the proposal;
- Readiness to engage students – it is encouraged to involve graduate or (and) undergraduate students in research projects;
- Dissemination – the proposal should plan dissemination in the way of publication of results in peer-reviewed academic journals and conference proceedings with proper acknowledgement to the program;
- Communication – applicants are required to have a very good command of the English language.
Eligibility criteria:
- has obtained at least his/her MS degree within the past 10 years in Computer Science, Information Technology, Data Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Applied Mathematics;
- is employed at an institution of higher education or research institute (preferably, but not required);
- is conducting high-quality research in an area of interest to the CeDAR;
- is committed to engaging with the CeDAR contributing to the CeDAR’s activities.
Additional preffered skills include:
- experience with one or more programming language and statistical software in research (Python, R, Julia, Stata, MATLAB, Scala, Tableau, Java, etc.)
- experience with GPU, high-throughput, and/or distributed computing;
- experience or coursework in advanced statistics, machine learning, predictive analytics, etc.;
- experience in quantitative or qualitative information collection, data normalization, and text analytics;
- demonstrate strong written and oral communication skills;
- experience in teaching of one or more CS, IT, Math courses those are relevant to CeDAR’s scope;
- holding PhD degree in areas of CeDAR interest.
Topics of CeDar interest (include, but are not limited to):
- Data Science and Data Analytics
- High Performance Computing
- DevOps and Cloud Computing
- Information Retrieval / Extraction
- Knowledge Graph
- Large-scale Data Visualization
- AI and Machine Learning (at scale)
- Language Technologies (NLP, Text Analytics, Speech)
- Computer Vision and Image Processing
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