Qısa məzmun
Azerconnect LLC şirkəti Data Science Expert vəzifəsi üzrə vakansiya elan edir.
About the vacancy:
Function: Marketing
Working schedule: Standard
Deadline to apply: 13.06.2022
Your main job responsibilities:
- Design, develop and implement predictive models using advanced data mining, statistics and machine learning techniques
- Use predictive modeling to increase and optimize customer retention, customer experiences, revenue generation, ad targeting and other business outcomes
- Mine and analyze data from company databases to drive optimization and improvement of product development, marketing techniques and business strategies
- Develop processes and tools to monitor and analyze model performance and data accuracy
- Collaborate with other data scientists and other departments to formulate innovative solutions to experiment and implement advanced data mining techniques
- Make business recommendations to the executive and cross-functional teams with effective presentations of findings
- Coaching and supporting team members in their professional development
Your education and work experience:
- University Degree in Applied Math, Cybernetics or Economics
- 2-3 years of work experience in Data Science or Business Intelligence sphere
- Experience in working with large amount of data
Your skills and competencies:
- Customer focus
- Teamwork and collaboration
- Drive for results
- Structured and methodological thinking
- Strong numerical skills
- Analytical skills
- Knowledge of statistical concepts
- Fluent knowledge of Azerbaijani and English languages (Knowledge of Russian language is a plus)
- Strong knowledge of MS Office (Ms. Excel) Programs
- Ability to use STATA, R, SPSS, SAS or any other statistical tools
Applications will be reviewed against position requirements and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
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