Qısa məzmun
Azerlotereya ASC şirkəti Digital Product Owner vəzifəsi üzrə vakansiya elan edir.
Reports to: Head of Technical and Digital products department
Key responsibilities:
- Fully conversant with the platform and its range of services;
- Spot issues long before they get to the development stage;
- Analysis tasks will include; enhancements to the existing platform, new business opportunities, process improvements and anything else that requires critical thinking between originators and those that will implement ideas;
- High communication in both the written and spoken, succinct but crystal clear.
- Ability to context switch and multi task is crucial;
- Analytical mind and good problem solving skills are essential;
- Exceptional communication skills;
- Understanding and experience of all aspects of Requirements Engineering;
- Experience of working in an Agile environment;
- Ability to build and sustain positive relationships throughout the business;
- Good multi-tasking skills while retain quality output;
- Demonstrable ability to create, maintain and deliver clarity;
- Ability to think of and apply use cases to ensure all requirements have been thought through;
- Aptitude and willingness to learn current systems and services;
- Aptitude and willingness to become subject matter experts on required business areas;
- Excellent organization skills;
- Calm, unflappable demeanor;
- Experience of using Jira, Confluence and Monday.com;
- Experience of User Acceptance Testing;
- Experience of working in a start-up company;
- Knowledge of the Agile Software Development Lifecycle;
- Knowledge of the Sports Betting & Lottery marketplace.
If you are interested, please send your CV with the subject “Digital product owner”.
Mənbə: JobSearch.az
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