English Department Academic Coordinator
vakansiya — 2025

Şirkətlər üçün:

Elan sifarişi:
Reklam sifarişi:

Link: https://qlor.me/lgz5uh8qh


  • Create and maintain a teaching syllabus for all subjects taught in the English Department.
  • Ensure that teachers in the department receive necessary on the job training required to provide a high quality of education.
  • Create and maintain departmental assessment material to check the progress of the students
  • Evaluate the quality of existing assessment tests and quizzes
  • Ensure that departmental progress assessment are checked in a timely manner
  • Analyze trends among the progress of students
  • Analyze why a teacher might have deviated from the set curriculum and assist in getting the teacher back on track
  • Perform periodic teacher evaluation (formal and informal) and provide feedback for improvement
  • Create and update “welcome” material to help new teachers understand the processes of Leznik & Co.
  •  Interview new interns and volunteers
  • Ensure that teachers are given the proper tools to teach
  • Create and maintain an atmosphere of teamwork
  • Collect feedback from employees/students/parents to ensure respective satisfaction
  • Answer questions about the English department and its services to members of other departments
  • Communication with parents to solve academic issues of the students


  • 3 years of teaching experience and a year of administrative experience
  • University degree in related field
  • IELTS/TOEFL certificate
  • Strong MS office skills
  • Knowledge of languages (Azerbaijani, Russian, English)

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24.01.2025 - Bakı