Event Manager Assistant
vakansiya — 2025

Şirkətlər üçün:

Elan sifarişi:
Reklam sifarişi:

The main areas of Konsis are the organization of conferences, rental of conference equipment and simultaneous translation equipment, written and oral translation
Work with the prospects of growth and development
Works with clients in Konsis
Takes part during negotiations on partnership and event organization
Drafts reports for management and clients, files documentation
Full-time, Mon-Fri. 09:00 to 18:00, (our schedule is flexible for all those who work at the events)

  • Age limit 25-35 ages
  • High education
  • Knowledge of MS Office at a very good level is compulsory
  • Excellent command of oral and written Azerbaijani, russian, english languages
  • Ability to work in team and individually

Salary: 600-800 (the salary will be determined according to the results of the interview and depending on the experience)

Please, send your CV for your application to e-mail address.

Mənbə: jobsearch.az

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