Frontend – Software Engineering Offer (React-Native)
vakansiya — 2024

Şirkətlər üçün:

Elan sifarişi:
Reklam sifarişi:


  • You have 2+ years of experience building fast-rendering reusable and extendable components using HTML, CSS, and modern  JavaScript frameworks/libraries such as
  • React-Native, React, Redux, Typescript, styled-components, webpack, jest, and enzyme.
  • You use agile methodologies and believe in constant incremental improvements.
  • You are a leader that serves your team, empowers them, inspires them, and helps them grow, but knows when to hold them accountable as well.
  • You believe in building a culture of learning, knowledge sharing, and collaboration.
  • You are deeply committed to helping customers be successful.
  • 1+ years of engineering management experience.

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