General English Instructor
vakansiya — 2025

Şirkətlər üçün:

Elan sifarişi:
Reklam sifarişi:

Main responsibilities:

  • Plan and prepare well-structured, clearly presented lessons appropriate to the abilities of all students and the syllabus being taught.
  • The ability to design and implement hands-on activities and thematic units in all content areas alongside with the core study material.
  • Organise learning process in accordance with the standards and requirements established by the training centre.
  • Assess the accomplishments of students on a regular basis and provide detailed feedback as reguired.
  • Generate enthusiasm for the subject being taught and inspire all students to work their potential.


  • Teaching experience of 2-3 years.
  • Excellent proficiency of spoken and written English and the native language.
  • Previous experience working with students for whom English is not their first language.
  • Deliver engaging lessons by creating enthusiastic teaching and learning environment.
  • Previous teaching experience at an (international) english language center/school is preferred.

To apply: Candidates are kindly asked to send their up-to-date CVs with photos. Please include “General English instructor” in the subject line of the email.

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Flag Academy

24.01.2025 - Bakı