Graphic Designer
vakansiya — 2025

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Ə/h razılaşma yolu ilə. Urban City Construction LLC Graphic Designer vəzifəsi üzrə vakansiya elan edir.


  • Study design briefs and determine requirements
  • Planning and execution of design research
  • Conceptualize visuals based on requirements
  • Prepare rough drafts and present ideas
  • Develop illustrations, logos and other designs using software or by hand
  • Use the appropriate colors and layouts for each graphic
  • Work with creative director to produce the final design
  • Amend designs after feedback
  • Ensure final graphics and layouts are visually appealing and on-brand

Requirements and skills:

  • 5+ years graphic designing experience
  • A strong portfolio of illustrations or other graphics
  • Familiarity with design software and technologies (such as InDesign, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Photoshop)
  • A keen eye for aesthetics and details
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Ability to work methodically and meet deadlines
  • Degree in Design, Fine Arts or related field is a plus

Candidates are required to submit their CV and expected salary.

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