Graphic Designer
vakansiya — 2025

Şirkətlər üçün:

Elan sifarişi:
Reklam sifarişi:

Job Type: Part-time


  • Understand of design briefs and determine requirements.
  • Plan concept by collecting information and materials.
  • Illustrate concept by designing rough layout of art and copy regarding arrangement, size, type size and style, and related aesthetic concepts.
  • Think creatively to produce new ideas and concepts and developing interactive design.
  • Rough draft material preparation on agreement brief based
  • Proofreading to produce accurate and high-quality work
  • Collaborate with copywriter and creative director to produce final design
  • Ensure final graphics and layouts are visually appealing and on-brand
  • Loop on top of the latest standards, processes, and trends in the visual design field.


  • Bachelor’s degree in graphic design, industrial design.
  • Proven graphic designing experience
  • Constant learning mindset
  • Deadline-oriented
  • Openness to feedback and willingness for design changes
  • Time-management skills

In case you are suitable candidate to this position please send your CV to with “Graphic Designer” subject.

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