Head of Physical Education Department
vakansiya — 2025

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Ə/h razılaşma yolu ilə. Heydər Əliyev adına Müasir Təhsil Kompleksi Ibtidai Sinif Üzrə Assistent Müəllim vəzifəsi üzrə vakansiya elan edir.

Head of Physical Education Department

The Modern Educational Complex named in Honour of Heydar Aliyev invites candidates with higher pedagogical education to apply for the position of a Head of Physical Educational Department. We are looking for open, dynamic, energetic and proactive teachers for lifelong learning and excellence in pedagogy who want to work in an international environment with local and foreign colleagues.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education;
  • At least 3-5 years` experience in the required field;
  • Excellent English speaking and writing skills
  • Excellent skills classroom management, discipline and the ability to form friendly but appropriately formal relationships with students;
  • A clear understanding of lesson planning and differentiation;
  • Willingness to work with students aged 6-18, ability to work as a team;


  • Create a cohesive and dynamic department, with a shared purpose to achieve at the highest levels.
  • Create a climate which enables other teachers to develop and maintain positive attitudes and confidence in their teaching.
  • Work alongside the Head of PE in the other section of the school to ensure consitency of approach, curriculum, and good use of teaching staff
  • Educational orientation and training of students;
  • Introduction of modern / interactive teaching methods and new pedagogical technologies;

Interested candidates are requested to submit (in Word or PDF format), attached to an e-mail: (1) a letter of interest specifying particular suitability for the position and availability (250-300 words), (2) a current resume (CV) with a photo. Send materials via e-mail to hr@mtk.edu.az specifying the job title (Head of Physical Educational Department) in the subject line.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. A competition will be conducted according to the appropriate procedure.
Complex offers a competitive remuneration package and attractive conditions of employment of high standard. For more information about Complex, please visit http://www.mtk.edu.az/en/.

A candidate who successfully passes the all steps of recruitment process will offered a job and contract start date on September 1, 2021.

Salary depends on the level of qualification.

Deadline to apply June 16, 2021

Oxşar vakansiya siyahısı:

İngilis dili müəllimi

Flag Academy İngilis dili müəllimi vəzifəsi üzrə vakansiya elan edir ...

Flag Academy

24.01.2025 - Bakı