Marketing Research Manager
vakansiya — 2025

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Mətanət A PR Manager vəzifəsi üzrə vakansiya elan edir.

Job duties:

  • Develop and drive research strategy;
  • Design and execute innovative quantitative and qualitative research to support the Marketing staff;
  • Collect and study information about customers, sales trends, products, and services to direct our future business and marketing plans;
  • Use your experience with consumer opinion collection methods to design, administer, and interpret surveys, experiments, focus groups, polls, market research, sales data, etc.;
  • Work with data analysts to translate consumer data into functional and accessible information that can help us change or revise a product, service, marketing strategy, or sales tactic;
  • Develop strong client and vendor relationships to deliver consumer information that has a direct affect on our business goals and ROI.

Salary: Negotiable

Work conditions:

  • Job type: full-time Monday-Friday
  • Working hours: 9:00am – 6:00pm
  • Workplace- Baku, Azerbaijan (Head office)


  • Experience with independently executing full-cycle research and analysis from research design to reporting;
  • 5+ years of experience with extensive background in quantitative and qualitative research, including hands-on experience in
  • Survey/discussion guide and data analysis (weighting, data cleaning, regression, etc.);
  • Experience directing agencies/vendors to deliver results;
  • Experience using primary and secondary research to influence executives and colleagues;
  • Experience with positioning, messaging development and optimization research;
  • Experience with survey tools.

Application Procedure:

Please send your CV to by indicating the position title (Marketing Research Manager) in the subject line of your email. Only successful candidates (CV corresponding to all requirements) will be contacted.

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17.02.2025 - Bakı