İş barədə məlumat:
- Designing and building mobile applications on the iOS platform
- Integrating services and systems into mobile applications
- Ensuring quality and performance of applications, monitoring mobile applications, fixing application bugs and solving other technical problems
- Identifying potential problems and resolving application bottlenecks
- Monitoring app reviews to detect areas for improvement, submitting proposals regarding improvement features and functions of applications
- Continuously designing and implementing application update
- Work graphic: 09-00 18:00
Namizədə tələblər:
- Bachelor’s degree
- Proven experience as a software and app developer
- Proficient in Objective-C and Swift skills development
- Familiarity with IOS SDK and experience with GIT
- Ability to use remote data via REST and JSON
- Experience with third-party libraries and APIs
- Excellent coding skills
- Knowledge of the general mobile landscape, architectures, trends, and emerging technologies
- Understanding digital product development life cycle
Oxşar vakansiya siyahısı:
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