Elanın təsviri
- Elan tarixi: 01.08.2022
- Son tarix: 01.09.2022
- Şirkət: SIP LLC
- Ərazi: Bakı
- Maaş: Müsahibə əsasında
- Staj: 3 il
- Yaş: 23 — 40 yaş
- Təhsil: Natamam ali təhsil (bakalavr)
- İş rejimi: Tam iş günü (5 gün)
- Müqavilə: Əmək müqaviləsi
- E-mail: hr@sip.az
- Tel.: 012-499-72-02
- Əlaqə: Farida x.
Job description:
- Work schedule: Mon – Fri, 09:00-18:00 (Saturday and Sunday – days off)
- Team work
- Final salary offer based on interview results
- 3+ years of experience in UX design;
- Thorough understanding of UX and UI principles;
- Good eye for visual design;
- Experience in using Figma;
- Ability to develop an understanding of end user goals, needs, behaviours and contexts of use
- A clear understanding of the importance of user-centric design and design thinking and the ability to effectively communicate design processes, ideas, and solutions to team members;
- Ability to balance business and user needs;
- Attention to details;
- Empathy and being a good team-player;
- Excellent communication skills (verbal and written);
- Fluent in English and Azerbaijani, Russian would be plus;
- Responsible;
- Punctual.
Huge bonus:
- Previous experience in designing digital products: B2B, B2C, web or mobile;
- Experience in building web and mobile interfaces;
- Understanding of web and mobile development process;
- Experience in writing simple design documentation;
- Ability to write micro copy.
What will you do:
- Create low-fidelity and high-fidelity wireframes, prototypes and user interfaces;
- Deliver UX artefacts: Persona, Use Cases, User Goals, and Information Architecture;
- Plan and conduct user research and user tests.
We offer:
- Opportunities for growth;
- Professional and attentive environment;
- Challenging projects;
- Possibilities for career development;
- Friendly atmosphere and supportive team.
- Please send your CV and portfolio link to e-mail address and put “Middle UX Designer” as a subject.
- Applications will be reviewed against position requirements and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
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