Qısa məzmun
Embassy of Malaysia in Baku Ofis İnzibatçısı vəzifəsi üzrə vakansiya elan edir.
Among the duties of a successful candidate will be:
- To manage cleaners and ensure the cleanliness of the Embassy;
- To answer incoming telephone calls and make outgoing telephone calls for Home Based Staff (HBS);
- To record all outgoing telephone calls and verify outgoing calls upon receiving the telephone bills;
- To ensure that the telephone and internet switch-board are in working order;
- To make a reservation for hotel, restaurant, flight etc.;
- To serve visitors by greeting, welcoming and directing them appropriately;
- To serve refreshments for guests;
- Handle inquiries and complaints from the public;
- Assisting officers with Consular matter;
- To assist in dealing with the Protocol Department, Immigration, Police and airport authorities;
- Assist in managing Asset and Inventory of the Embassy;
- To prepare the maintenance schedule for the Embassy;
- To ensure that information material, books and magazines are up to date and displayed properly;
- To handle of the photocopy machine (Main Office) and photocopy of unclassified document;
- To distribute documents (letters, circulars, memos, minute etc.) internally to HBS/Locally Recruited Staff (LRS); and
- Any other duties as directed by the Ambassador and/or HBS from time to time.
Successful candidates, should at minimum, possess the following qualifications and skills:
- Proficiency in English and Azeri (oral and written);
- Good writing skills in English;
- Additional third language (Russian and Turkish) is an advantage;
- Minimum high school diploma qualification (Preferably Bachelor’s degree)
- Minimum one (1) year working experience in the related field;
- Good IT knowledge (Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point and others);
- Positive minded, dynamic, punctual and a team player;
- Polite and reliable;
- Has professional and neat appearance;
- Good planning, interpersonal and communication skills;
- Good organizational and multitasking abilities; and
- Able to work extra hours.
Gross Salary: AZN 1,200.00
Interested and eligible candidates are required to complete the attached application form and submit it together with a recent colour passport-size photographs to the following e-mail address latest by 25 April 2022.
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