Online English teacher
vakansiya — 2025

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Founded as the first online English language platform in Azerbaijan, DillBil is now recruiting energetic, motivated and creative part-time English teachers/moderators who have strong passion in moderating our conversation clubs with university degree and TEFL or TKT certificate.

Position details:

  • Location: Work from home
  • Scheduling: Required to teach a minimum of 2-3 hours of lessons per day in the peak teaching hours of 5 pm – midnight (Baku time zone) from Monday to Saturday.
  • Students: You will teach students in the age range 16-50 years.
  • Training: Training and ongoing professional development throughout the contract.

Minimum requirements:

  • Accredited 120 Hours or above TEFL, TESOL
  • Deliver excellent English language lessons and guidance to students across the globe, while maintaining a fun and engaging classroom environment.
  • Must have excellent communication skills both verbal and written.
  • Relevant teaching experience as an English teacher.
  • sic administration, such as keeping student registers and attendance records;
  • Flexibility and an adaptable teaching style;
  • A friendly and confident manner;

Technical requirements:

You must have:

  • PC specifications
  • Processor: Intel ® Core™ i3 CPU @2.70GHz (4 CPUs) or greater
  • Memory: 8GB RAM or greater
  • Backup power (non-negotiable)
  • Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) with battery life up to 4-5 hours (or willing to purchase one if you are hired) due to loadshedding and power outages
  • Internet connection:
  • Must be a fibre (cabled, not wifi) connection
  • Minimum of 10 mbps upload and download speed

4. Headsets and camera

Salary is negotiable.

Please send your detailed CV to

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