Qısa məzmun
AzMetKim LLC Personal assistant to CEO vəzifəsi üzrə vakansiya elan edir.
- Acting as a first point of contact: dealing with correspondence and phone calls;
- Managing diaries and organizing meetings and appointments, often controlling access to the director;
- Booking and arranging travel, transport and accommodation;
- Reminding the director of important tasks and deadlines;
- Implementing and maintaining procedures/administrative systems;
- Monitoring a reporting director’s email and responding if required;
- Preparing communications on behalf of a manager
- Conducting or preparing any research that the reporting director may require.
- Only female candidates;
- High education;
- Outstanding written and verbal communication skills;
- Fluent in Azerbaijani, intermediate level of English and Russian;
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite;
- Organizational skills and the ability to multitask;
- The ability to be proactive and take the initiative;
Candidates are requested to send their CVs to office@azmetkim.az until November 30 , 2021.
Please indicate the name of the position (CEO Assistant) you are applying for in the subject line of the email.
Please be advised that only shortlisted candidates will be invited to the further stages of the recruitment process.
Oxşar vakansiya siyahısı:
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