Project Manager
vakansiya — 2025

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Elan sifarişi:
Reklam sifarişi:

Habitat is looking for a project manager to join a team of professional translators and editors working on the translation of an academic textbook in the field of biotechnology. We offer a service contract for up to one year with the perspective of extension. This is a part-time position. Multistep selection will be applied.


  • Habitat is a longstanding project of translating fundamental science textbooks into Azerbaijani language. Our team consisting of professional biologists with education in world-class universities and other experts has been involved in the ongoing endeavor of translation of Campbell Biology textbook in the last 4 years. Campbell Biology is the voluminous essential book of the field translated into 20 languages.
  • Scope of Work:
  • Main job is to plan and coordinate the translation process of the book with sufficient detail. This should be done on a suitable online project management platform available to all the participants of the project. Additional smaller tasks include communication with the financier, reporting, improvements etc.


  • Experience in managing projects
  • Experience in and advanced knowledge of a PMS
  • Good knowledge of English, Azerbaijani and preferably Russian
  • Punctuality: deadlines must be strictly followed. Delays will not be tolerated.
  • Tax registration in the Republic of Azerbaijan with corresponding electronic signature and bank account
  • Submission guideline

Please send your resume as a properly named PDF file to with subject line mentioning manager until 24 September 2021, 6pm

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17.02.2025 - Bakı