Security (female)
vakansiya — 2025

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Ə/h razılaşma yolu ilə. The Landmark Hotel Baku Xadimə vəzifəsi üzrə vakansiya elan edir. Şirkətin rəhbərliyi tərəfindən tapşırılan təmizlik işi ilə əlaqədar digər işləri yerinə yetirməlidir.

Main Duties:

  • Security Officer should have the knowledge of the Company’s Mission, Vision, Guiding Principles and has to follow it
  • Is responsible for reporting any incidents or issues that can affect fire, life and safety, or security of the property guests, staff or company property
  • Is familiar with all procedures related to fire prevention and evacuation
  • Is responsible for issuing of contractors/visitors passes not allowing unauthorized persons to enter the hotel/business center and carry out random staff checks to prevent hotel/business center property being removed without a proper “Property Removal Form”. He will be also responsible for issuing the keys for employees and the maintenance of its records
  • Whilst on duty, will check, note, and report discrepancies of firefighting equipment, water leaks, and any other health and safety issues. Any maintenance requirements are then passed over the Technical Services, who is responsible for the maintenance of the Fire Fighting Equipment.
  • Is familiar with all procedures related to fire prevention and evacuation and to ensure prompt decision making with regards to the safety and security of guests and staff
  • Performs all duties common to Security Officers and any other tasks as stipulated by his Security Manager
  • Education: Bachelor
  • Knowledge of Languages: English, Azerbaijani, Russian.
  • Experience: Minimum of 2 – 3 years experience as Security Officer

Effortless Competencies

  • Dynamic personality
  • Positive attitude
  • Team player
  • Great Motivator
  • Makes life easier and enjoyable
  • Flexible approach to people and tasks
  • Excellent listening skills
  • Creativity
  • Problem solving and follow-up abilities
  • Maintains communication at property executive level, department heads and respective teams.

Interested applicants please submit your CV with photo in English and indicate the name of the position you are applying for in the subject line of the email.

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