Security Guard
vakansiya — 2025

Şirkətlər üçün:

Elan sifarişi:
Reklam sifarişi:

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an impartial, neutral and independent organization whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence and to provide them with assistance. The ICRC also endeavours to prevent suffering by promoting and strengthening humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles.


About the Job

The Security Guard provides and maintains security in the assigned premises.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Applies the established security rules at all times.
  • Welcomes, screens, reports/records and announces all visitors and vehicles arriving at the assigned premises.
  • Ensures that building is free from security potential incidents (fire, thefts, flood, etc.)
  • Immediately reports any problem/incident or anything suspicious to his/her hierarchical supervisor.
  • Performs regular checks of the premises/compound (including fire extinguishers, windows, doors, lights and piping) to prevent incidents.
  • Makes sure that the guard post is not left unattended (i.e. does not leave the post until the guard on the next shift has arrived) and ensures proper handover to the next shift.

Minimum required knowledge & experience:

  • Primary school level
  • Similar work experience desirable
  • Good knowledge of spoken and written English.
  • Computer proficiency
  • Good physical condition

How to Apply:

Qualified and experienced candidates are invited to apply. You may apply by sending your CV (in English), a cover/motivation letter (in English), and scanned copies of relevant diplomas/certificates to the e-mail Within the cover letter, the application should be addressed to the Human Resources Manager, Baku Delegation. Clearly indicate the position title in the subject line of your email message.

Deadline for application is 11th of March 2021.

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