Elanın təsviri
- Elan tarixi: 13.02.2020
- Son tarix: 13.03.2020
- Şirkət: Holiday Inn Baku
- Ərazi: Bakı
- Maaş: Müsahibə əsasında
- Staj: 1 il
- Yaş: 18 — 35 yaş
- Təhsil: Orta və ya orta ixtisas təhsili
- İş rejimi: Tam iş günü (5 gün)
- Müqavilə: Əmək müqaviləsi
- E-mail: HR@hi-baku.com
Job Role Responsibilities:
- Check surveillance cameras periodically to identify disruptions or unlawful acts
- Investigate people for suspicious activity or possessions
- Provide assistance to guests in need
- Submit reports of daily surveillance activity and important occurrences
- Monitor and authorize entrance of vehicles or people in the property
- Respond to alarms by investigating and assessing the situation
Job requirements :
- Written and Verbal Communication
- Interpersonal Skills
- Knowledge of Basic Security and Fire Inspection Procedures
- Emotional Control
- Professionalism
- Reporting Skills
- Till 35 years old
- Good English language
- Military ID
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