A2Z Technologies üzrə iş elanları — 2025

Elanın müddəti bitmişdir
Android developer

Key responsibilities: Conceptualizing and formulating apps that are suitable for use on all types of Android devices. Implementing measures to safeguard users’ data ...

A2Z Technologies

10.12.2021 - Bakı

Elanın müddəti bitmişdir
Network Administrator

Key responsibilities: Maintaining computer networks and systems including software, mainframes, VPNs, routers, and other physical hardware Installing and configuring netw ...

A2Z Technologies

06.12.2021 - Bakı

Elanın müddəti bitmişdir
IT Business Analyst

Key responsibilities: Identify and resolve project issues Gather data and analyze business and user needs Provide recommendations on hardware and software procurement to ...

A2Z Technologies

25.11.2021 - Bakı