Qısa məzmun
Danone LLC şirkəti Təcrübə Proqramı vakansiyasını elan edir.
Your tasks during the Internship:
- To make various types of reports.
- To support the logistics department.
We expect from you:
- higher/incomplete higher technical education.
- developed analytical skills.
- knowledge of Azerbaijani, Russian and English.
- good knowledge of Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint programs.
- as well as responsibility, attention to details and a desire to develop.
We offer:
- Full time paid internship for 6 months.
- Work schedule: 5 days a week from 9:00 to 18:00.
- On-the-job training on the relevant standards and principles.
- Opportunity to get the first work experience in a large international company.
To participate in the competition for an intern position, you need to submit your resume by April 30, 2022.
Mənbə: JobSearch.az
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